Apocryphal means of doubtful authenticity, spurious.
For example, “Keith always thought that the CEO’s braggadocios college stories were apocryphal.”
by gomarketing
Apocryphal means of doubtful authenticity, spurious.
For example, “Keith always thought that the CEO’s braggadocios college stories were apocryphal.”
by gomarketing
Apposite means highly pertinent or appropriate, apt.
For example, “Keith searched for an apposite quotation to begin his presentation on hygiene in the workplace.”
by gomarketing
Puckish means whimsical, impish.
For example, “Keith’s puckish sense of humor often got him into trouble.”
by gomarketing
Faze means disconcert, daunt; disturb the composure of.
For example, “The new employee was fazed by Keith’s insistence on arriving at 8:45 each day instead of 9:00.”
by gomarketing
Clarion means loud and clear.
For example, “Keith gave a clarion call for focusing on the first quarter’s new sales targets.”
by gomarketing
Evince means to reveal, display clearly.
For example, “Keith’s new CEO gave a speech that evinced the excitement she felt at leading the company.”